
Showing posts from March, 2008

Show n Share

ok.... 2 days have passed...... thurs n fri.... show n share filming.... ok... rather a disaster... couldnt attend the filming on thur.... i'm the cameraman!! kai hong pang say... he wanna go home... haha... ok... mr neo was pissed today... class dirty, like 2e, homework never hand up kena green form (i so guai wont kena de la.....), pple nvr turn up for filming... so.. change of plan... mr neo wan me to random film the whole class on the topic 'global warming'.... guess wad??? most showed off their green forms.... mr neo was unhappy with tat.. he said, 'i don't want dat in the film.' i was like, oopppss..... ok.. tat's lame... i'm just so crappy... couldnt believe myself... i could write a inference answer in 5 min, 2 purpose.... omg... ss common test... i only worry bout SEQ.... n the facts in chpt 2... just let wadever's up there bless me... CCA: i went late cause of SnS.... went there at 3.. was suppose to do a animated story wif flash... i coul


i'm sick!! not in the mind!! flu n cough... feeling terrible... Show n Share: NEXT WEEK... wtf... have to chiong a video out... nothing taken yet... i forgot my role.. assist kai hong is wad i only noe... wad kai hong do=> cameraman, editor wad i do=> sit around slacking! haha.... ok... i trying to do the start of the video.. guess kh wont do de... ok... cya.... bye..


It's been a tiring day. guess where i go?? >>> SCIENCE CENTER!! omfg.. lol... quite fun la, in fact.. ok.. here it comes. CABAL pics!! screenshots.. carn see not my prob.. again is photobucket... -.-'''


will be posting very very soon... images on CABAL are coming up! current lvl=28.. CYA


WTF... 1 WHOLE BLOODY WEEK!!! MY BLOG IS SO THE DEAD... LIKE CLASS DE... OK.. GOT AN ANOUNCEMENT TO MAKE: TIMOTHY & JING YING ARE DECLARED HUSBAND N WIFE!!! (THEY EVEN GOT A CHILD) *CAPS OFF PLS....* kkk... XD... ok... the couple was declared married by Ms Samantha Khoo and whole of 3C as our witnesses... timo, dun murder me.. i still got a bring future... some pics, in photobucket mode... my blog is too small to fit in....