
Showing posts from October, 2008

im back

yo! wad's up! (i shall not say the ceiling).. the sky. okay.. tat's stupid.. okay let's count.. 31-9=22 days. 22 days until i got the mood to blog, but it's not tat i wanna post, is tat i'm waiting for my drift city update to finish.. a pathetic 20KB/s... this blog is dead.. kind of dead.. to my fellow readers.. i noe u wanna me to update but come on.. i'm more interested in gaming then blogging. u noe tat drift city is so cool and fun and just go try it. it's a MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online, for some IT-idiots) game on driving, part-RPG (Role-Playing Game),and no straight forward stories, can just follow the quest, or jus go around sabotaging pple, cos 1 of the quest needs to driver a trialer, and it's hard to drive, with a short and small front and long container at the back, u drift, 85% crash into the walls, but i'm a pro so HARDLY A CHALLENGE. btw, check me out: level 21-LeonTheNoob... okay. no more games, (i'ma change what you call rage,
hey guys! been long since I post... exams r kind of screwed, but with the last exam tmr its the end of the schooling year ! but the school's gonna bring us back to school for 3 more damned weeks ... argh ... nvm... back to study, n I just posted with my sister's phone ! okay bye...