
Showing posts from February, 2009


as u can see, i just changed my skin. red n black. damn cool.. lol.. ok.. timo wanna me update, so i did. update: 1) Interclass Chinese New Year Photograph Competition - i won the 1st place! lol... believe it or not, it was my first time on AHS stage taking a prize XD *Once again, I can't think of anything to mention lol. i'm back to wolfteam and maple. Wolfteam: limenyang (Senior Corporal) <<< heehee, i used timo's name for fun.. MapleSEA: *prefer not to say, tag me if u wanna noe, i'll sms u, if i can...* (Delphinus, Level 33, Infighter) <<< i played for the sake of tasting pirate skills.. ok.. it's 10pm, i need to sleep liao.. cya!