
Showing posts from April, 2008


argghghghg.... i'm so off form today... e maths n a maths.. i was like yawning n lying my head on my table. chinese, so typical, cant sleep cos cher in front of me. it's only until history... was expecting Hitler: Rise of Evil!!! lol... watched the front part... so zai... i felt that i'm like a fan of hitler??!! omg... ok... diao... lol... physics... nothing special.. followed mr ong to take my long-lost 5-yr series.. ouch.. mr ong then talk alot of crap which i forgot all of it? XD haha... pon the whole 2 sel.. dental appointment... toking bout tat my mouth still hurts... argghhhhh.... the dentist poke tio my gum, the same spot, twice, cos she tried to pull the power bond (aka rubber band) over the top of all my teeth.. ouch, ver ouchy, very. when home with a packet of fries.. my mum n i gobbled them up in like 2 minutes?! used comp.. customized the new vista comp, actually played with the sidebar.. tried to finish my flash maths game... so lame.. most of the answers are b


this was wad i just did: 183 points, so you achieved position 21275 of 38968 on the ranking list You type 232 characters per minute You have 41 correct words and you have 0 wrong words 41 words lol... it's speedtest. couldn't believe my speed was rather fast... haha... ok.. maybe due to maple... looking at those skills n hotkeys really help.. haha.. ok.. crap less.. today is friday.. relax day.. super tired.. pictures maybe next time, perhaps after exams.. ok... cya.... 3C show n share video:


ok... i wont be posting for very long. exams are coming!!! arggh! okok... really need to stupid..cya!


ok... i'm just posting for fun... dun have the mood to post... exams are coming... next week got 3 test... paper1 on 30 april... i'm getting sick of goin lan.. i really need to stop, relax, settle down n really really concentrate on my studies. I'll be waiting for june to come. 3C BBQ, constant computer games.. ok.. nvm... i'm tired.. cya did this couple of weeks ago: You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. How Boyish or Girlish Are You? Your Japanese Name Is... Hibiki Sanjo What's your Japanese Name? You Are 62% Real You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself. Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great... But you&#


ok... posting for fun... feel so bored... haha... cya


currently posting in cca... feeling so bored.. doing my ARMY DAYS... oh my.. so sian.... ok... did something stupid in bs: didnt believe i was so pro: ok.... i'm so tyco, but tat asshole did this: ok... damn him... back to cca.. bye..


ok, by order of some guy from 3A, who requested to be unknown.... HW kissed tio Clem Hui Wen the SC, Clem the Wushu wan.... based on the unknowned , it's during pe, captain's ball.... ball *weeee* to clem, then hw slam into him.. Kissed tio in action. on the cheek. jianwei's face is like.... (sad. tis saddens me alot. i feel so sad.ya, so sad.-adapted from 3C show n share video) guess tat was wad jw's tinking bout.... ok... gtg.. bb