
Showing posts from January, 2009

back in action

let's count. Dec 5 08 to jan 31 09. ehh... 57 days of no updates.. i'm a damned genius! heehaa.. okay. 1st post of 2009, shall make it good. update s of my out-of-class life: 1. I'm now a brown-one in TaeKwonDo. Taekwondo Ranks. Highest for junior level. brown/red belt with black stripe. applause pls. and dun come to me n guailan me.. i'm a brown-one, bout i dun harm any1 randomly, cos i'm not a jamus tat keeps aikido-ing ppl's hands and arms. oh ya.. Mr Chan, our beloved Add & E Maths-cum- co-form teacher is an aikido black belt.. *I can't think of anything to mention okay.. it's sec 4 years: so need to work hard le! wad i find both gd n bad is tat we have at least 2 tests per week, common test (various subjects) on tuesday, chinese revision test (gong han and/or something else) on thursday.. a reminder >>> 1st chinese revision test: O Level Chinese Paper - 47.5/70 (B3), second in the chinese class. i dun believe it at first.. but the resu