back in action

let's count. Dec 5 08 to jan 31 09. ehh... 57 days of no updates.. i'm a damned genius! heehaa.. okay. 1st post of 2009, shall make it good.

updates of my out-of-class life:

1. I'm now a brown-one in TaeKwonDo. Taekwondo Ranks.

Highest for junior level. brown/red belt with black stripe. applause pls. and dun come to me n guailan me.. i'm a brown-one, bout i dun harm any1 randomly, cos i'm not a jamus tat keeps aikido-ing ppl's hands and arms. oh ya.. Mr Chan, our beloved Add & E Maths-cum- co-form teacher is an aikido black belt..

*I can't think of anything to mention

okay.. it's sec 4 years: so need to work hard le! wad i find both gd n bad is tat we have at least 2 tests per week, common test (various subjects) on tuesday, chinese revision test (gong han and/or something else) on thursday..

a reminder >>> 1st chinese revision test: O Level Chinese Paper - 47.5/70 (B3), second in the chinese class. i dun believe it at first.. but the result ain't real good. i got owned by kaihong leh! he got 50/70.. goodness gracious me.. n the top scorer from the other express chinese class of 4C is Peiyun with 52.5/70! omg! i got owned! lol. peiyun.. unexpected.. but i also didn't noe it was a test when i was doing it...

lol.. change of sbuject. CCA: AHS Infocomm Club just split in to 4 equal groups. Photography, Videography, Hardware and Software. i originally was in videography, but hey, i've learnt it in sec 2, n the group was full of fellow sec 4 tat has learnt it, but most importantly, our 2 sec 4 mentors are from photography club, which was merged with comp club, and they didn't learn videography. wth.. lol.. got moved to photography.

a reminder >>> sorry jeremie (mentor n vice president) for interrupting u in ur enjoyment with the class of 15+ girls!!!! XDDDDD he doesn't noe my blog! MUAHHAHAHAHA!!

it's fun in photography. i've got some verbal notes from jeremie before the lessons and so we just blurted the answers to him when he was asking our fresh sec 1s, which pissed him la..

okay.. i'm getting sian le.. i shall sign off here.. bye... i wonder when's my next post!


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