
Showing posts from January, 2008


posting for fun... ok.. nothing much today.. so slack.. 3 periods.. english teacher nvr come, mr ong also.. so 3 whole periods... broke my rubik cube today.. nvm.. only $1 only.. haha... now getting bloody pissed of the class relay system.. explained to 5 people... nvm gtg bb


getting bored of blogging... so sian... i knew it'll be short-lived.. nvm.. will still continue to post... post gonna get shorter.... a picture of timo(was bored so i snap timo's pic n edited it!!!)

HTML code fixed

changed the whole blog... nice... i like it plain... asked help from kai hong on the previous.. he got me to change... haha... ok let's tot bout ytd cca: CCA : 1.30 : gather at 1K... 2.00 : go avt watch movie -mr tam let us watch some movie but no one was watching.. In the end switch to DOA!!! 3.30 : go comp lab. 4.30 :go home fast rite?? the 1 hour in comp lab was just a briefing... but i'm gonna start learning ADVANCED flash from next week onwards!!! ok silkroad attempt complete... i go play le.. cya.. XD

post for fun

today was boring... start of the day got test... then pe super slack.. physics was slightly humorous.. ss were much more better.. chinese is slack.. elit was slightly okay... but i got chinese remedial.. the whole class from 3c la... ok wadever.. now i'm trying to convert songs from youtube but the convertor got prob.. firefox cannot open, IE got error... ok la.. wadever.. tag soon...


ok.. initial plan for 3C BBQ: 17 Feb 08, Pasir Ris (undecided), 3 pm List of food: ok... please give comments on the list...

... wadever....

u noe something MAJOR happened today!! U SEE THE MAJOR IS IN ITALIC N BOLD..... nothing much la... it's only train service disruption la.. BUT affect me quite much leh.. from Pasir Ris to Tanah Merah is affected.. If u noe where i live, u will wonder why it affected me when i live nearer to the city. I take bus to school... the bus like kena FILLED UP when i board it... so crowded... So i got off at Eunos n took MRT instead... 45cents wasted!!! i not tat stingy la.. '45 cents only!!!' most people think like tat... but i top up my own card this time... my own pocket money... SLAPPA U R LEON, SO STINGY.... wadever la.... today was super boring... CL was held in Computer Lab!! oh yeah, my fav place, although i every friday need go there for 3hours... Physics bored me.. i was day dreamin la.. (sorry Mr Ong!!!) Chemistry was kind of boring too.. E maths was the worst... i wish to slappa the teacher la.. he don't wan to tell us the 3rd way to solve Chpt 2.6 Q9c when w

fruitfull sunday...

it's been a tiring sunday... guess wad was it doin??? PAINTING paint wad?? obviously the wall lor... from 11pm onwards, i was helping my parents to paint until 8pm... i wanted to continue, but guess wad?? no more paint... -.-''' ok la.. end le la.. bb.. *i got my blue belt on saturday!!!

pissed off...

this WILL my starting post... i deleted the actual one.. too short... nvm.. i also dun like to say any1 on 1st post... ok la, as the title says.. I"M PISSED problem no.1: my topic is MIA.... how can i get it on ther??? problem no.2: ok.. guess how long i spent to actually totally finish the foundation of my template on firefox??? 4 whole hours!!! I already tested more than 4 different html codes... for like 2.5 hours i spent my time on trying the codes on blogger but it always have: HTML ERRORS... so i'm totally pissed n i switched to xanga, which pissed EVEN me more.. no editting of html codes available!!! but the thing that pissed me off the most: i was, all the while, using the old version codes of blogger on new version of blogger... ok fine, laugh all u can... I'M A BLOGGING IDIOT >.< problem no.3: try using firefox and IE to view my blog... see the diff??? IE: what i wanted... NICE RITE??? Firefox: walau... black background become white background, colour of sc