Funniest Pizza Hut Delivery.

ok.. hungry.. my mum got me to call the pizza hut delivery...

4.25pm: *deliveryman called*
PH: hello, is this Mr Wong?
Me: ya, i'm his son.
PH: ya, ur lift spoil ar? how?
Me:*puzzled* eh.. i dunno leh. i oso dunno the lift spoil.
PH: u want me climb up ar? *he sounds sian*
Me: *started asking my mum, then the man hung up*

I went down to get the pizza. i'm leaving on the 15th floor, so i double-stepped down till 4th floor n saw the man.

ok. problem is, i miscalculated, short of the $2.10 of GST.

PH said: hey boy, u live where?
*i pointed to him*
PH: ok. u take the pizza up, then u put the 2.10 in a bag, add something heavy like onion or garlic, and THROW IT DOWN THE WINDOW.


wow. the best way. the coolest way.

i chiong up n told my mum.

i loaded a plastic bag with a single onion and the $2.10 in coins.

looked down the window, see the deliveryman, wave to him and he motioned me to throw the money down.

i did as told.

i toss the bag down, let gravity do his job. down it goesssssssssssssssssssssss....

pop. it landed on the floor, 1st floor. i was like, wth, omfg, and started laughing. the man wave to me and i waved goodbye. tat's the end.

haha. had a wonderful pizza and a wonderful laugh...


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