9 more days

Posting again, at tm:) Jus bought a 2-way audio jack. Now i can play music frm my phone with the speakers at home.. Shiok sia.. But have some static when played loudly, im connecting to a mic jack, cant do much.. I really wanna buy new headphones, and an amplifier. Wah, dale's amp quite zai.. So much more clearer, n his headset.. Omg.. Jealous!!! Maybe i'll get those two once i work aft o's.. Or maybe when my mum reward me for my o level results.. Now it's 7-8 then can get.. Thx mr chan for saying tat to my mum. Lol.. Sian sia.. Got to work hard lor.. Garhhh... I need more memory for my phone 1gb is not enough.. I wan a 4gb, best if 8gb.. Haha.. 8gb.. More than enough to put all my songs in... Hahaha.. For the time being, it's hard work.. 9 more days.. Haiz..

Chat with my parents over lunch. The topic was me, my future. What am i gonna do? Civil engineering seems to interest me, after animation. But i dun think animation's for me. I'm not very artistic, wont really bring me far. Civil engineering. My dad's footsteps? I guess so...

Went to tampines mall with my mum after ttn. Took 67. Went past bedok reservoir.. Tat route tt i always took when i went for long-distance cycling. I missed those days. Stopped cycling for very long, since may i guess.. Arghh.. How i wish o's over asap.. I'll get back my pre-intensive-mugging life back. Damn. 1 month..

*awaits next checkpoint in life*


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