
Showing posts from September, 2009

F1 weekend

Ahh.. Posting again. A very busy n exciting weekend. Saturday was my grandpa's 80th bday. Dinner at crystal jade at ngee ann city. Went there straight after tuition.. Was the 3rd to reach there, behind my aunt and grandpa, so i have to sit beside grandpa.. Got questioned abit on my studies. I jus answered honestly lor.. Then my eldest cousin came. He's going off to Coventry, UK to study Law. Funny thing was tt my aunt kept worrying bout him.. She was going, is there instant noodles in UK?? My cuz's answer was damn nice.. "British are also human beings, of course they also have instant noodles!" lol.. Then my aunt wanted to get him a carton of noodles.. -.-''' Okay.. Dinner started at 7.20pm, as my eldest sis, then uncle and 2 cuz, and finally my parents n sis came.. The first dish was some charsiew, duck n chicken.. Haiz.. I hate it when i sit beside my grandpa.. My aunt n I will take food for him, then he wont eat much, so the food ends up on my plate


Okay, posting again.. This few days lazy update.. Plus also got nothing to blog about.. So ya, just updating.. Decided to publish the top 3 English and 3 Chinese on my playlist.. Okay, so here they are.. ENGLISH: Firstly... Fire - Dead By Sunrise This song was out in 1 Sept, but i managed to get it only last week. The lyrics are very nice...I like the chorus the most.. Haha.. Okay, enjoy the song... Next up... Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park Didnt really like LP's emo songs.. But starting to appreciate n like them le.. This is just one of my more favoured one. Okay, enjoy. Finally... No Surprise - Daughtry I have this song for quite long le, but never had the thought of deleting it or wad.. Now I more open to slow song, so this song is gonna stay.. Haha.. Realize that these songs all on topics like leaving someone or something?? Lol, I emo-ing.. Haha.. Leaving AHS in a month or so. I dun miss the whole of AHS, I'm dying to leave AHS, but I jus miss the


somehow, i got time to look back at my own blog, and some other ppl's blog. looked at my sec 3 life. full of fun n laughter.. a lot of memories... i almost cried. i miss those days.. anw, here are the memories: okay.. first up, 3C show n share. it saddens me alot. MICAH!!! haha.. n Qijing running into the boy's toilet! haha... Still remember Ms Chan's wrath? she went crazy and scolded us.. Mr Chan's "she's here! hide!" anything? nvm.. somewhere in August 08. kh's blog should have.. go check out.. and still have one more on Ms Chan. "I was not born yesterday." here it is. straight from my old post. 15 Feb 2008 "N the long-lasting laugh was the converstaion btw Micah n Ms Chan. Micah=M, Ms Chan=C *Jamus got to Micah's seat when teacher when out for a minute, in fact, less than 1. then Ms Chan come in...* C: Jamus, what are you doing?? M: cher, his paper fly all the way here. C: ah. You think I was born yesterday?

prelims part 3

Okay, took back the remaining papers.. Was despaired when i got my EL paper 2. 23/50... I suck.. Need pia english compre le... Learnt something from GX. Dun change too much for summary.. At least get the content marks than risk rephrasing the meaning... Lol.. Lost 3-4 marks on content cos repharsed wrongly.. Then it was Literature. As screwed as usual.. Feel like giving out Lit sia.. Always cock up one.. Lol.. Then A Math P1.. 45/80... 12marks careless!!!! I was so pissed.. It's like one small mistake then a few marks gone le.. Bloody pissed.. Damn sad for the rest of the day, until SEL, where we got back our English P1. Getting a 19/30 for my unfinished compo was damn shiok, lucky again. 20/30 for SW. Not bad:) So counted my EL marks, and i got B for English for the first time in 4 years of my secondary school life.. Midyr's EL was pulled down by CA, so damn sad.. haha.. haha.. So here are the overall results: PRELIM RESULTS L1 - ENGLISH Composition (20%): 19/30 SW (20%)

111th post

Haha! Okay, so more results today. Got back E Math P1, Physics, Chinese, SS and History. Here are the marks: E Math P1: 64/80 I could have got higher. Careless, careless, careless. Positive and negative sign, bearing no 0 in front.. Okay.. Rather pissed.. But overall 82%.. I'm happy already:) Physics P1: 27/40 P2: 47/80.. 61.7%.. Was expecting a bit more higher for P2.. But this is the result of not studying hard for physics.. Lol.. Chinese was terrible.. Didnt care much about it.. I taking my O Level results for my L1R5. So here is the lousy marks: Compo: 32/50, Letter: 12/20, P2: 45/70. 63.6%. B4. I dun care. O's B3.. SS: 31/50. Quite shocked that i got such marks. Guan Xiang got 41/50, highest in class, and got kp like siao.. Haha. History SEA: 32/50. A total shocker. I wrote one paragraph for all my answers, except 2nd essay got 2.. Plus i was half asleep while doing it.. N 32?? Wth.. World History: 34/50. Okay, expected abit higher, cos SEQ ms fadhzila gave b


Okay.. Posting again.. Some results were taken back today.. Quite happy though.. Made a gd improvement.. Amaths P2 64/100. Not bad. An improvement of bout 20marks from midyrs. Still quite disappointed, was expecting an A. 12marks careless!! Argh.. Lol. Still have P1. Zzz.. E Math P2 82(+2)/100. Whee.. Another 20marks improvement.. Very happy. Mr Koh counted my marks wrongly. Haha.. Im getting my $4!! But still have P1.. Zzzz.. Chem P1 31/40, P2 56.5/80. Overall 72.9%. Another happy one:) From midyr's 50% to such kind of marks.. Ms chan's detestable face changed to a smile!! Haha.. So after that was picnic!! With hm, mg, qx, me, jov, sy n jy.. But the weather was horrible.. We were like on the way to ECP then it started to pour.. Made our way slowly to ecp. Ended up having the sandwiches jy made under a big shelter. It was rather nice though.. She was asking for our opinions, so i told jy this: 'eh if ur o's fail hor, can go be chef la...' haha!!! Then after

Out of ashes

this might sound stupid and outdated. BUT... yeah. Dead By Sunrise debut album Out of Ashes.. OCTOBER 13!!! hoping for it to come ASAP!!! lol.. Dead By Sunrise is a side project of Linkin Park's lead vocal, Chester Bennington, along with members of Julien-K. Their style would be something like Linkin Park's. Alternative Rock. The debut single came out on August 18. Below would be the music video for it. Enjoy!!

Sept Holidays

okay, posting again... 2010 World Cup Qualifier: ARGENTINA 1- BRAZIL 3 I'm utterly disappointed.. But the Brazillian defense was great. The Argentinian offense just cant break through. Argentina needs to win the next one!! It's boring without Argentina!! Lol.. Shall not talk bout it. Yup, so it's one week of holiday! Will be catching my sleep. Consecutively two weeks of midnight oil burning, and I'm totally drained. Tiring. Also wanna catch up with my good friends, very long never go out with them le, due to all the preparation for prelims. Always enjoy being with them. Haha. Y issit always during the graduating year where I get to appreciate my friends more?? Damn. Will miss them like I missed my primary school friends, but I guess it'll be more. Holiday le, but still got tuition and Maths homework.. Grrr.. Have to do sia.. Lol. Will be receiving Maths and Chemistry papers on Friday. Ms Chan says that only a handful of us pass. I'm hoping I'll be o


========================================================= **********************PRELIMS ENDS HERE*********************** ========================================================= haha... okay went to watch g-force with timo, mg, sy, jy, qj, shihhan and jov... the show's not bad.. rather nice, n quite funny. like the 3 little mice. so cute. haha.. enjoyed the movie, but the girls wanna go shopping. the 3 guys just tagged along.. lol.. walked like 1hr plus?! the movie ended at 3, i reached home at 5plus.. haiz.. tired. drained from prelims, finally can relax a bit! lol.. i'm tired. dunno wad to do with my comp. sometimes, when i switch on my comp, i dunno what to do with it. . lol.. ya.. im getting sleepy.. cya..

prelims part 2

Okay, been in hell for like, 2 weeks?? Prelims was crazy.. Didn't really study. Tmr last paper, I hope it's over soon. Most probably slacking until results are out. I'm still not expecting much, best is get 15, but at least not 20+ happy le.. Poly dun need so zai L1R5. Haha.. I'm still pondering whether if I should choose poly when I get a L1R5 that is suitable. wth, it's hard to keep pressing shift n type. i wanna be more 'formal'.. lol... heck le.. okay. so 4 days of rest got me kinda screwed up for the last 4 papers. i didnt have the mood to do the paper. plus i'm hit with something new, something hard, almost fell when it happened, but i stood strong and with the encouragement of a good friend, i got through it. thanks dude =D dun ask me wad happened cos im not gonna say, not for now... okay, need go prepare for tuition le, cya..

new skin

i've decided to change my url, so.. yup..


I'm feeling so weird now, a feeling I've never experienced before. There's something stuck in my chest, suffocating me. I'm getting breathless, I'm panting hard. I feel weak all over. I feel like screaming my lungs out, but I can't. I want to do something else, but that matter keeps bugging me, occupying the remaining space I've left in my heart. I'm losing concentration in everything I do. I'm getting sick of this tension. Damn. I screwed up everything... FML