
somehow, i got time to look back at my own blog, and some other ppl's blog. looked at my sec 3 life. full of fun n laughter.. a lot of memories... i almost cried. i miss those days..

anw, here are the memories:

okay.. first up, 3C show n share.

it saddens me alot. MICAH!!! haha.. n Qijing running into the boy's toilet! haha...

Still remember Ms Chan's wrath? she went crazy and scolded us.. Mr Chan's "she's here! hide!" anything? nvm.. somewhere in August 08. kh's blog should have.. go check out..

and still have one more on Ms Chan. "I was not born yesterday." here it is. straight from my old post.

15 Feb 2008
"N the long-lasting laugh was the converstaion btw Micah n Ms Chan.
Micah=M, Ms Chan=C

*Jamus got to Micah's seat when teacher when out for a minute, in fact, less than 1. then Ms Chan come in...*

C: Jamus, what are you doing??
M: cher, his paper fly all the way here.
C: ah. You think I was born yesterday?
M: oh really ar? Happy Birthday.
C:(diao look) And you think I started teaching yesterday?
M: no, you started teaching today, cause you were born yesterday."

haha... also Jamus' epic fail.. lol.. twice this year.. it's mention just few post before.. haha..

and 10 facts bout myself that i just realised..

1. This blog started on 18 Jan 08.
2. I was stuck with my Nokia 6210i for 1 year.
3. My Nokia 6120 Classic was used for 8 months, and is in a totally different physical condition when I first got it.
4. I obtained my Taekwondo Brown-One 9 months ago and is still at the same rank.
5. My DELL Inspiron 1420 has been spoiled for more than 3 months.
6. I did not mention anything bout dota for 2 months.
7. I was so stupid last time that I kept using photobucket slideshows, before I realize that I can just resize my pictures using photobucket.
8. I posted at least once per month.
9. I changed skins twice.
10. I changed URL once.

LOL! okay.. refreshed my forgotten memories in 3/4C... Haha.. as long as this blog remains, i would be remembering, and constantly refreshing them. Thanks 3/4C... You brought joy and laughter to my life. A big THANK YOU to all!! I'll remember you all of you... 39 days to o's, and 18 days of examinations, and we would be separated.. I'll cherish every moment with you people. The boys, although you guys are so kp, and piss me off several times, I've enjoyed every moment with you all. It's an honour to be your friend, and I thank you all for accepting me, for I've been rejected and outcasted previously. Thanks. The girls, many who I've only talked with this year, and never communicate much, but to those who I've been with mostly, thanks for the fun and laughter, I've also enjoyed every moment with you all.

3/4C is, the best of my sixteen years..


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